This is Chris; one of our Co-Event Directors
When & why did you first choose to volunteer with parkrun?
First volunteer role was way back in 2012. I had been doing Heaton Park before Worsley Woods started so after a fair number of runs thought I should help out as well. Worsley woods is one of the more intimate runs so it was easy to get involved. I like to mix a run at Worsley with some volunteering with some tourism. Every run offers something different.
Which is your favourite volunteer role at parkrun and why?
I’m happy to do any volunteer role as they all give a different perspective. My main role seem to be time keeping which is really no more complicated than pressing a button as a runner finishes. Its not scary at all and I’d recommend everyone to give it a go.
What would you say to someone who is unsure if volunteering is for them?
I’d say give volunteering a go, everyone is very friendly, every role is equally important to make the run go smoothly. I started off a little self-conscious shouting encouragement as a marshal and now I’m reasonably OK talking on megaphone as run director. Its great to see people taking on new roles and were very welcoming of anyone wanting to do so. Please ask and we’ll give whatever support needed. Just ask myself, Becky or whoever is about.
What are you doing when not at parkrun?
I work in mental health during day. I’ve always seen the link between running and using up any excess adrenaline and reducing stress levels and relaxing. I’m probably doing a bit more running and cycling now with more free time although the loop line seems busier than ever. I’m really keen to look at the social aspects and interactions of parkrun which are as good for us as the running in helping mood and reducing anxiety and also helping, people’s confidence. I very much admire runners who are giving it a go for the first time and who may be out of their comfort zone.
What song would be your parkrun anthem?
My preference is not to listen to music when running, I’d probably get distracted so I’ve never associated music with running. So at the risk of being boring I’ve no tune to offer!